Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Break: My First of Many

Since Gwyn started pre-school this month, I never thought I would experience/dread/savor Spring Break week. I have so many verbs for this week that I couldn't settle on just one.

Experience: This is her first Spring Break. She had only been to school three times before we "all of a sudden" get one week off. It got me to thinking though. In the future, I will have to plan vacations, work schedules, non-school programs during this time. How weird!!

I was talking with my mom just the other day (which I talk to her practically every day - she's my best friend). We are planning a family gathering at Disneyland next year with my parents, my brother and his family, and my cousin, Sandy. With a year away, I am already having to think about scheduling this around Spring Break or school. This just doesn't seem possible, yet.

Dread: How could I possibly get used to having Gwyn in school for six hours a week when she had only been attending for a week and a half? Oh, I got used to it!!! It was nice only having Brooke to cart around, shop with, and entertain. Why is it that one is so much easier to handle when you have two? I remember when I only had Gwyn - those were the days...HA!

Savor: The pre-school she attends asked for us to send in pictures of your child doing activities during Spring Break. In the beginning, my mind drew a blank. What in the world were we going to do that no one else would? You know, MY CHILD has to be different, of course. We all think our child is special. So, I did anything any of other parent would do.... the zoo, make rice krispie treats, playing at Open Gym, feeding the sea turtles.

So, to sum it all up, I enjoyed my first Spring Break with Gwyn and Brooke. This is probably the best verb I could possibly use. I enjoyed my girls.

Gwyn making rice krispie treats.

She walked the balance beam all by herself!

She finally touched something in the water. Finally!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hello Pre-School!!

As you guessed, I am not the typical mom when it comes to the first day of school. Did I cry, get scared or pace the floor while Gwyn was in her first class? Um, no. Well... I paced the floor chasing Brooke around the common area so she wouldn't disturb the other classes or the office workers.

My baby girl has officially started school. Bitter sweet when you think about it. Today starts her 14+ year road to graduation (from High School, at least). Hopefully it will be even longer than that if she continues on to college.

So, from something I saw on Pinterest, I am going to try taking pictures of her at the beginning of each school year. I also plan to do this for Brooke, too. Let's hope I can maintain this goal considering my track record on long-term goals.

Without further ado, here is Gwyn on her first day of pre-school.